My Puppets

The Bone Project:

I took an old barbie doll and took off all her limbs to recreate a new
puppet doll with a unique body. Swapping body parts with other members of my class, I recreated a new puppet with one skelton arm, a different doll torso, a barbie arm, and two different doll legs.

Attaching the legs, arms, and torso with pipe cleaners and string, the puppet was able to bend and move in any direction.

 Together it formed a new and improved puppet that was very unique and different than an ordinary puppet.

My wooden puppet:
After creating a very unique first draft of a puppet using a barbie doll and other refurnished parts, I decided that I would make a more accurate puppet and try using different materials. I decided to use wood pieces to make my second draft of a puppet. I first started by finding different shapes of wood materials to form a torso, arms, legs, and head out of the wood. Then I ran wire through the entire body of the puppet to allow the arms and legs to move.

My Recyled Puppet
I made a recycled puppet out of a paper pepsi cup, forks, a plastic water bottle, and some tin foil. I attached the arms and legs using wire and used a popsicle stick inside the cup to hold the wire for the arms and legs. I then strung the puppet using string and popsicles stick to allow mobility of the puppet. However, this puppet can be improved. Instead of using tin foil for the legs, spoons could be used to make the puppet more interesting. Also, the forks and spoons used need to be a different color and not transparent. My next draft of the puppet will allow the puppet to have more mobility and allow an easier process so that multiple recyled puppets can be made.
My second recylced puppet:

I made another recyled puppet out of a whoppers box, a nacho cheese container, and teeth flossers. For the head I used a nacho cheese container, the body a whoppers box, and for the arms and legs flossers. I knew that by using the flossers it would give mobility to the arms and legs and allow really good motion. This puppet has been my best puppet so far in terms of mobility.
A Reclyed Bird Puppet
Frankie and I made a bird puppet out of a small water bottle, plastic container, straws, and coffee filters. We used coffee filters for the wings since it is a light weight material that would allow the wings to move. Although the bird is lacking a tail, it still needs some improvements such as some colorful feathers and work to make the wings more bendable.
Flamingo Puppet

I made a flamingo puppet out of recycled materials. The body of the flamingo is an advil box and the head of the puppet is half of a waterbottle. The neck is made out of a large thick pipecleaner. The beak and wings are made out of pink foam and the feet are made otu of red foam squares. Finally, the legs are made out of straws connected together by fasteners.